today was our yearly follow up with E's urologist, which included a renal ultrasound (kidneys), VCUG (where fluid and dye are injected into the bladder and then xray-ed to see how the bladder has changed, if there is any reflux of fluid into her kidneys, or any leaking), followed by the appointment with her M.D. who is, in a word, our favorite physician. that says a lot, cuz our girl got lots. at any rate, GOOD news all around. the reflux has resolved (thanks to medication), her hydronephrosis (basically, engorged kidney- with "water", or in her case, probably urine) is 100% resolved, and she held an UNgodly amount of saline in her bladder without leaking during the exam. are we in the clear? for good? no, and we never will be. she has one kidney that is severely scarred from years of insult (reflux) and her bladder pressure runs high very early into filling, showing that it's basically a bit "noncompliant" (as in, it doesn't want to stretch, but the meds are helping). and it will mean surgery for her in the future, but that could be years away. and that's what we're hoping for and banking on. and even though she doesn't have reflux anymore, the high pressures alone cause kidney damage, so she'll be closely monitored for the rest of her life.
that said, i am hoping this is a sign of good news to come, all around. her bday is exactly a week from today and we are completely stoked (especially the birthday girl who hasn't stopped talking about January since September). She will be receiving one very special surprise hopefully this weekend if all goes as planned... (sorry, can't spill here... yet!). not meant at all to be some cliff hanger, just so darn excited for her (and us) that i can't keep my mouth shut. Aunt Karen, no spilling the beans! of course, anyone is free to guess. just cuz i'm curious about what you'd come up with.
we are waiting to have her party at the end of the month because we wanted to secure the museum of natural history- there will be a fossil hunt, fossil making, a tour, and a party. we can't wait!
in other not-as-exciting-to-you good news, i was loaned
this camera (the one i borrowed dates back to the early 80s). i had it checked out at my fave camera shop today and it is in perfect working order despite shelf dust and only the lenses need some cleaning. so, this weekend promises some adventure. i swear i am a total camera hog. if i like this one, i will be buying it from the prior owner.
ransom's tumors seen to be multiplying but so gradually that it's not, for whatever reason, concerning to me. someone commented in another post that love is keeping him here, and it reminded me of my favorite photographer,
John Kaplan, who documented a large portion of his journey fighting lymphoma in
Not As I Pictured (perhaps the most evocative and compelling documentary I have ever seen. as an aside, he happens to have adopted from China as well). what struck the deepest chord in me was one photograph he took of himself when he'd returned to class after treatment- on the back of his t-shirt was this: "LOVE KILLS CANCER". tears were streaming down my face. LOVE kills cancer.
i visualized all the cancers there are in this world: from his and my dog's and all my patients lymphomas to lung cancers to hatred to prejudice to religious intolerance... and i thought, the truth- it always hits you this hard.
love kills cancer. in all its forms. of course! brilliant!
and truthfully, seeing this documentary as an oncology nurse with a severe and lifelong passion for photography, coming to know his story even a little- well, he's been the inspiration for me to return to school. my first declared major was photography. and maybe it's a pipe dream and maybe i won't be able to really make it happen, but i'm looking into photojournalism. as it happens, he teaches at the school i graduated from, right up the road... :O)