Saturday, August 27, 2011

all smiles, 1st day of kindergarten (end of the day)

i should have known it would take less than the first week for Ellis to come out of school beaming like this. here she is on her first day at pick up, and she informed me she only cried for "10 minutes" at the start of her first day.

i am so inspired by her spirit and her bravery! she is such an amazing person- and already proving to be the natural born (boss)- ahem- leader that she is. i ran into her teacher when i was out today who informed me that she had all the kids in class in front of her during recess and was asking who was 6, 7, and 8 years old respectively and requesting each age group "raise your hand" after each inquiry. when she was finished, she informed certain members of the gathering that they "may have to leave". i was laughing so hard but quickly followed with "please nip this in the bud for me!"... Mrs. S said, "we'll trim a little but it will serve her well in life". i agree but since this is a behavior we never see at home (cuz girl knows the parents are boss i guess), i worry about her intelligence and her keen ability to manipulate like a pro!

watch out people. she has a smile that will melt hearts and a mind that will rule the world. she did tell me tonight, out of the blue, that 9+9 makes 18 after all.


  1. Ah we also suffer from the bossiness versus leadership conundrum! So glad that she is happy at school already: what a relief that must be for you too.

  2. Love that spirit. So glad that she is smiling now!

    We have a little "leader" as well. :)

  3. Glad that E found her smile - and so quickly too!

  4. I am so happy that "big" school is going well. It sounds like everything is turning out just as you expected. How well you know your sweet girl!

  5. Oh my goodness, hold onto your seats, because this girl is going to take you on the ride of your life! Her spirit and FABULOUS SMILE amazes me every time.

    Love her.

  6. Great first week!!! Yea! I just love your little spitfire.....

  7. Does she have her senate seat lined up yet? Love her!

  8. Oh what a beautiful smile! have a born leader for sure! I'm already praying that Hannah will use her leadership skills for good. Never too early to start!

  9. Yeah for the big girl school success!!! :)

    Lil M started Kindergarten this year and seems to really like is so far.

    E has a beaming smile!!!! I can see how she could use that to her advantage. LOL. Lil M does, too!

