Sunday, July 11, 2010

retrospective: Beijing, September 2009 (day 1)

sunrise, first flight on our way to chicago
first flight of our trip, sunrise
(photo by K)

sunrise from hotel, beijing

first full day in Beijing, sunrise from hotel
(photo by G)

sunrise, first full day-beijing
same sunrise, Beijing
(photo by K)

Tiananmen Sq
Tiananmen Square, Beijing
(photo by G)

tiananmen square
Tiananmen Square, Beijing
(photo by K)


  1. I have enjoyed your retrospective posts! Great pics!

  2. Beautiful sunrise photos. Breathtaking.

  3. big oops on yesterday!

    these pictures are lovely along with the music.


  4. You are both artists with a camera...beautiful pictures! (I appreciate them even more because we'll be there soon!)

  5. Warms my heart. Oh the memories....

  6. What beautiful memories. The first song on your playlist is just stirring...

  7. I love seeing your photos. I wish I had seen China through my lens a little bit differently....ahhh, hindsight! But I do know that when I travel to Ethiopia for my little one, I will be noticing things and appreciating things I probably wouldn't have otherwise if it weren't for all the great photography I see on the blogs!!

  8. that's sweet of you to say Daisy Dreams, but truthfully? i was in such a daze. sick, jet lag, terrified. there is SO much i didn't capture. especially on video. it makes me sad. b/c memory doesn't serve me as well as looking back on the photos/videos. i forgot to take ONE pic on Adoption Day. ?? lack of sleep, not enough hands (G was videoing). i know if we are ever blessed to do this a second time, i too will take a lot more in...

  9. :) Your pictures just make me smile with memories of our own journey.
