Thursday, February 10, 2011


we look to the days ahead. excellent news at the vet today. a brief scare in thinking his spleen was enlarged, but the ultrasound of his belly proved that his once lean(er) body had given way to a plump frame due to treats, ice scream, spaghetti, milkbones, and chips (among other things). of course, the 5 pound weight gain clued us in too :O) i swear my buddy just wants to keep living to see what new food he can try each day! i think we might start calling him Potato Sack or Spud cuz he sure resembles one. diet commenced a couple weeks ago but we'll have to cut back a bit more. and even with the recent tumor growth, the vet is not concerned and in her (music to my ears) words, said: "he looks amazing K" and sent us on our way.


  1. Glad your potato is doing so well and not hurting.

  2. Wow,so rare to hear any good news with cancer in dogs. So happy for you all.

  3. Fantastic news and I love the photo!

  4. Awesome news (and much better than this morning where you started my day off in tears)!!! From one dog lover to another...yeah God!

  5. Every time you post a picture of Ransom I proceed to read with trepidation, fearing the worst happened. I'm a big coward when it comes to these things, you know. There is NO SUCH THING as being prepared. Today, THANK GOD, the news was good and I'm going to dwell in it till I get sick of it:0)

  6. LOVE the news! The Boob is amazing!!



  7. Great news!!! He is one tough cookie...uh...potato! ;)

  8. Awesome news, glad he is enjoying the yummy treats!
    hugs Boob.

  9. So glad your Potato Sack is loving life to the fullest!

  10. A beautiful photo to celebrate Boob!
